Thursday, August 13, 2015

Say Goodbye To A Passe Trend – Old School Pay-Per-Click

As much as technology is rapidly advancing, so is web designing and developing. There are a lot of web design trends today that are already outmoded, yet, are still being used. The danger of clinging on to them is that, it can reduce website visits.

How? Well, once your target market finds your website hard or confusing to navigate, they will instantly close the window and move on to a new more user-friendly site. One of the design elements that Perth website designer realized is no longer working is the old school pay-per-click advertising.

Let Go Of The Old School

Insiders in the Web Design industry say that among other outdated vogue in designing websites, the pay-per-click strategy is a trend of the past. However, those who are not yet updated are still using this as their main method of marketing.

The world of advertising is likewise changing so fast that there emerged new mediums as well as new targeting capabilities that can actually help business owners find their specific consumer, whether online or offline. So, it’s time to bid adieu to this obsolete tool and let's welcome the latest design elements that are now replacing old trends.

Embrace The New Element

In lieu of the pay-per-click method, the “in thing” in advertising today are: online video, contextual advertising, and highly-targeted product ads. With the help of technology, it's now possible to target, say, people who are fans of TV series in a particular region, and who are watching shows at a particular time of day or evening.

Apart from that, it's also highly likely to target ads according to precise age ranges, favourite brands of clothing or footwear, and the likes. You can even make use of the Facebook relationship status in your targeting efforts.

Suffice to say, you will find an ocean of information on the World Wide Web as supplied by the consumers themselves. No more need to finger-scan volumes of Yellow pages for your search. Good thing - such online data can help you locate with more particularity which will provide a more customized advertising experience for your market.

Don't waste sales opportunities that come your way. Capture potential customers with the latest functional Perth webdesign.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Contextual Advertising - A Good Choice For Many Companies

There has been a lot of changes in web design trends with the fast-rising advancements in technology. Among the areas affected by such changes is the world of advertising. One of the well-known elements in advertising today is contextual advertising, among several others.

Sadly, not all web designers and developers don't have any  idea of how to used this new tool. According to  a noted Perth website designer, you should bid farewell to old school approaches if you want your online business to prosper. With this system, entrepreneurs will no longer have a hard time locating their exact customers with utter specificity. 

A Basic Understanding of Contextual Advertising 

When you visit a website using your keyword of choice and click on a certain page, you might happen to see a banner ad or pop-up ad. If so, what you're seeing is actually a targeted ad called contextual advertising. Typically, that type of advertising is relevant to the content of that specific page. Which means that, the ad is really targeted to the specific person, that is, you who's visiting the site.

To illustrate, you're reading a web page that has a cake recipe on it, and it follows that the banner ad you're seeing is that for baking utensils – a baking pan perhaps. 

What makes this approach different from the others, like pay per click for instance, is that, it does not require a keyword search to bring up the ad - it is merely there each time a particular page is clicked on. In addition, its campaign is by means of placing banners and links on web pages that have a contextual relationship to the merchandise or service being put up for sale.  

How This Approach Works 

Webmasters place their order for Java code from Google Adwords (or other companies offering the service). In turn, they will be provided with advertisements that relate to the topic of their web pages. The code is to be entered into  the HTML of the web page, and Voila! When someone views that page, an advertisement, in the form of a banner ad, will come out on the page. 

You may notice that for every visit you make to the web page, the banner ad becomes different each time. Usually, advertisers maintain an ad or two per page. This way will make interested would-be customers to visit again if perhaps, they did not feel like reading it the first time it came out. 

So, if you're still using the old advertising methods, time to switch to contextual advertising, which experts in Perth web design say, is an excellent choice for organizations looking to try paid inclusion.